Documentation / Pre/post scripts

Pre/post scripts and login the user


Before loads and tests a URL you can run your own Selenium script. Do you want to access a URL and pre-load the cache or maybe you want to login as a user and then measure a URL?

We use the NodeJs version of Selenium, you can find the API documentation here.

Login example

Create a script where you login the user. The following is an example to login the user at Wikipedia. Start by creating a file login.js with the following.

module.exports = {
  run(context) {
    return context.runWithDriver((driver) => {
      // Go to Wikipedias login URL
      return driver.get('')
        .then(() => {
          // You need to find the form, the login input fields and the
          // password field. Just add you name and password and submit the form
          // For more docs, checkout the NodeJS Selenium version

          // we fetch the selenium webdriver from context
          const webdriver = context.webdriver;
          // and get hold of some goodies we want to use
          const until = webdriver.until;
          const By = webdriver.By;

          // before you start, make your username and password
          const userName = 'YOUR_USERNAME_HERE';
          const password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE';
          const loginForm = driver.findElement('userlogin'));
          // we wait for something on the page that verifies that we are logged in
          return driver.wait(until.elementLocated('pt-userpage')), 3000);

Make sure to change the username & password

Then run it like this:

docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/ sitespeedio/ --preScript /

The script will then login the user and access and measure that page.

Checkout the magic row:

var webdriver = context.webdriver;

From the context object you get a hold of the Selenium Webdriver object and the mechanisms for locating an element on the page.

Note: Use the supplied driver object to go to a specific page.

Test a page with primed cache

One other thing you can do with a pre script is simulate a user that browsed a couple of pages and then measure the performance of a page (by default the cache is emptied when you use

Create a pre script (pre.js):

module.exports = {
  run(context) {
    return context.runWithDriver((driver) => {
      // Go to the start page of
      return driver.get('');

And then run it like this:

docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/ sitespeedio/ --preScript / -b chrome

The browser will first access, this will fill the cache and then go to where it will collect all the metrics.